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The Development and Regional Variations of Liubo
Yasuji Shimizu

This paper clarified the transition of liubo game boards with respect to both

chronological order and genealogical relationships based on recent evidence.

In spite of the limited direct access to many of the relics due to the organic

material used in most of the liubo items, I believe that an overall understanding

of liubo was achieved. Each type of liubo board was used concurrently over a long

period of time. Despite limited evidence, regional variation in the game boards was

identied. However, more new evidence may yield dierent interpretations and

require reexamination in the future.

The results indicate that typical board design could be traced back to ancient liubo

and the T motif of the TLV pattern could be a relatively newer innovation. Interpreting

the typical TLV pattern based on the "circular sky and square earth" cosmology was

deemed as inappropriate for this research.

This study was conducted mainly based on liubo artifacts, and graphic

documents, such as illustrated stones, were taken only into secondary consideration.

I hope to conduct further examination and exploration of liubo based on graphic materials

in the near future.

Liubo; TLV pattern; divination; bronze mirror; sundials.
Published: 2014/02/21
Author Details
Yasuji Shimizu
Archaeological Institute of Kashihara
1 Unebi-cho Kashihara city
Nara prefecture 634-0065

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